Friday, 10 February 2012

Off Topic: Good Mass Spec Facility?

From: Austin Rice
Date: 19 January 2012 16:49


  I am trying to accurately quantify disulfide bond formation. I would like to use a mass spec method involving two thiol reactive labels: one with ethyl attached reacted before disulfide reduction and the other with methyl attached reacted after disulfide reduction. I can label my own samples, the issue is finding a mass spec facility capable of gathering and processing the data in a timely manner. Can someone recommend a mass spec facility?




From: Austin Rice

Thanks everyone for the helpful responses! For the curious, here is a list of the postings:
I have two to recommend.  I don't know how many "outside" samples they process but Oak Ridge National lab has a spectacular mass spec facility that we used extensively while i was at the University of Tennessee doing my Ph D (  Another lab I know if is the Proteomics Center at Case Western Reserve in Cleveland (
Jim Fairman, Ph D.

Tell me about it. I'm tearing my hair right now because of two projects that are stalled waiting for the UIC small molecule MS facility to get us results.
Having said that: We have had pretty good results with the facility at Wash U, doing intact mass on large peptides and smallish (<30 kD) proteins (I assume you're looking at intact masses?). They typically get us results within 1-2 weeks. They have a couple of quirks (for example, they typically mail us hard copies of printouts, instead of emailing us PDFs), but have been reliable and good about tweaking their analyses to fit our samples.
Good luck,
Pat Loll
Hi Austin:
I know about Proteomics Center at Stonybrook, NY. It may be far for you.
The website is :
Rakhi Agarwal
Thanks again,

Judging from no replies on CCP4bb, you are probably getting most replies by private email. If you are not going to post a summary, would you mind sending me an email with the recommended places? I have the same question as you. Our facility is pretty bad - expensive and too frequently pathetically incompetent.



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